Backbone of Putinism
Backbone of Putinism.
Interesting figures and logical conclusions
Shoigu said about 20,000 people signed up to volunteer.
And about 20,000 people were detained in Russia during the war.
It turns out that there are about the same number of completely repulsed war fanatics who are ready to voluntarily go to kill and die in a foreign land, as well as people who have found desperate courage to stand up against this vile crime.
Approximately. It is clear that there are a little more real fanatics and maniacs-imperials and decent people, too, there are not 20 thousand. But in essence, both here and there are minuscule.
And the interest of these figures lies in the fact that between these two small groups lies an indifferent mass of a gigantic, disgusting in its essence layer of those who, by and large, do not care. They are the ones who made it happen.
For with the tacit consent of the majority of those who are indifferent, the most terrible crimes happen. Happen and then get away with various scum and ghouls.
Yes, today a part of this amorphous mass has already paid for its silent, uncomplaining existence. Someone was killed in the war, which he did not particularly want to go to, but since they called, then why not. Someone from this war returned crippled and will rot away, useless to anyone, somewhere in an emergency barrack, listening to the greatness of the “Sarmatians” on TV until the end of his worthless life.
Someone has lost their job. Someone did not get an operation, because tanks in this country are more important than medicine. Someone has abandoned plans for the future, because the future is no more.
And there are still tens and tens of millions of those who still swim belly up in Putin’s swamp, on which Putin’s stability belt is tightly tightened, dangle randomly in this dirty quagmire with nothing expressive fish eyes and everything around them to one place. Nothing concerns them, nothing disturbs, does not stir up and does not make them think. They don’t want to know anything and they can’t feel anything.
Oh, how terrible and ugly they are all together, if they turn out to be the people of some state. Then this country is doomed. Their slavery at all times entailed only catastrophes, only wars, only genocides and deportations. Their stupid indifference to everything around, to their own lives, has always plunged their own being into decline and degradation.
Their hereditary contempt for the ideals of individual freedom and will, for the values of civil society, instinctive fear and discomfort before any independent act, their unaccountable desire not to answer for anything and to be everywhere with nothing, reverence and tremulous horror of any authority – all this is always degenerated from their own ranks the worst, meanest and bloodiest tyrants. And immediate, unconditional worship of them.
They are the backbone of Putinism.
They are – Russia.
[Writer Irina Mirochnik is the President at IMMER Group & Doctor of Philosophy in Law(PhD)] is an Online Magazine with collection of premium Assamese and English articles and posts with cultural base and modern thinking. You can send your articles to / ( For Assamese article, Unicode font is necessary)