Kristi Flora Karki

According to the data recently released by international climate change monitoring agencies including, European Union’s Copernicus Climate Change Services, June is the hottest month for the consecutive 13th months.
According to the data, the temperature in June increased above the crucial threshold of 1.5°Celsius.
However, these environmental agencies have allayed fears of this surging global temperature stating that this is a temporary phase and will not increase the temperature beyond 1.5°Celsius threshold permanently.

[Crucial 1.5°Celsius threshold refers to the temperature rise above pre-industrial levels beginning in 1850 and also this1.5°Celsius threshold refers to long- term warming over at least two decades.
Efforts to limit the long- term global average surface temperatures to 1.5°Celsius by the end of this century were officially endorsed under the Paris Agreement-2016]
The phenomenon of global warming is a matter of serious concern, which possess direct existential threat to the human race as well as environment. The devastating affects of global warming is evident from the abnormal behavior of nature that has been experienced globally in the form of ecological droughts, reductions in glaciers, accelerating sea level rise, extreme weather and heatwaves, tropical cyclones etc.
The scientific community has warned that the global warming of more than 1.5°Celsius threshold may lead to increasingly severe climatic change impacts and severe weather events, emphasizing the significance of every fraction of a degree.
The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) has issued a warning that even at the current levels of global warming, the world is facing extreme climatic conditions. These severe climatic changes are leading to significant loss of human lives and causing ecological imbalances.
The resulting environmental disruptions are contributing to increased mortality rates and exacerbating the severity and frequency of extreme weather events.
The WMO emphasizes the urgent need for immediate and substantial action to mitigate these impacts, as the ongoing changes pose a serious threat to both human populations and the natural ecosystems that sustain life on Earth. Without prompt and decisive measures, the situation is expected to deteriorate further, leading to more devastating consequences for the planet.
According to the data, European temperature rose the most over southeast regions and Turkey. While, outside Europe Eastern Canada, the Western United States and Mexico, Brazil, northern Siberia, the Middle East, Northern Africa and Western Antarctica have experienced surged temperatures.
On the other hand, temperatures were below average over the Eastern Equatorial Pacific, indicating a developing LA-Nina air temperature over the ocean remained at an unusually high level over many regions.

Director of the Copernicus Climate Change Services warned that even if this specific streak of extreme ends at some point, affects of global warming will remain unless we stop adding greenhouse gases into the atmosphere and the oceans.
In view of the seriousness of the issue of global warming, the world community has been doing it’s bid to resolve the issue. However, as the matter involves global geopolitics, global trade and commerce, as such, arriving at a consensus for strict compliance of certain guidelines / programs towards checking global warming may be difficult at times.

Kristi Flora Karki is a student of Communication & Journalism, Gauhati University is an Online Magazine with collection of premium Assamese and English articles and posts with cultural base and modern thinking. You can send your articles to / (For Assamese article, Unicode font is necessary) Images from different sources.