Sakshi Kumari
All of us have this subject called “Mathematics” from our childhood till the time we were in school and the very first topic which was taught to us in this subject was counting numbers which basically are from 1 to 100 but the basic question which was asked to us by everyone in our childhood was – Do you know counting from 1 to 10 and most of us replied yes and we start counting them right?
But have you ever noticed Number 9 ?
or why do we celebrate Navaratri which includes number 9 ?
or why there are Navagrah ? Why a woman gets pregnant for 9 months?
Number ‘9 ‘ is a highest single digit number and its origin can be traced back to ancient Indian civilization. The number 9 is adored in Hinduism and is considered as a mark of completion,perfection and divine number because it represents the end of a cycle in decimal system.
In Hindu Mythology as well this number has a very important role it is said that Number 9 is number of Brahma ,the creator. According to to Hindus Number 9 is a sacred number as it represents fulfillment and completion.
In Bible there is a verse on “The Fruit of the Spirit “which comprises of nine graces namely:
1.Love ,, 3.peace,4.patience ,5.kindness ,6.generosity ,7.faithfulness ,8.gentleness and 9.self control .
“The gift of spirit” are also 9 in number : 1.the word of wisdom ,2.the word of knowledge ,3.Faith ,4.healing ,5.miracles ,6.Prophecy, 7.discerning of spirit , 8.tongues and 9.interpretation of tongues .
The significance of number 9 is also seen in Islam as well and it is almost akin to ancient Indian thought (Sanatan Dharma )such as 9 months gestation period for the birth which is of course common to all human beings.
What is the significance of number 9 in Hinduism? Don’t you think that’s something interesting and observational ?
Recall celebrating “Navratris” every year . Yes the festival of 9 days dedicated to 9 different forms of Goddess Maa Durga and you know yoga says human body has 9 doors consisting of two eyes ,two nostrils, one mouth, two ears and two openings of excretion.
Hinduism philosophy also believes in 9 universal elements such as earth, sky ,water ,air ,fire ,space ,time ,soul and mind .we hindus also believes that there are 9 types of Rasas (emotions)which affects mind ,body and soul .
The following are “Navrasas ” namely: love, joy,wonder, peace ,anger ,courage ,sadness ,fear and disguise .
Now let us support number 9 a bit more have you ever noticed our planetary system what we call it in hindi (Navagrah)right ?
In simple words our planetary system too consists of exactly 9 planets .
They are Surya (Sun), Chandra (Moon),Mangal ( Mars),Budh (Mercury),Shani (Saturn ),Rahu (Neptune),Ketu (Uranus),shukra(Venus) and Brihaspati (Jupiter).
List in connection does not last here as we have Navratnas (nine gem stones ) as per our vedic astrology and many of us every wear those stone in our finger rings as well as it is believed that one who wears these gem stones remains prosperous and calm.
In Hinduism it is believed that life is constituted of 9 elements :
3 Gunas (ingredients )-
Sattava ,Rajas and Tamas.
3 functions –
Creation ,preservation and destruction.
3 factors –
Time ,space and causation
And we will combine all of the above mentioned elements the result will be ultimately number 9.
The counting also begins from 0 and ends at 9 thereafter digit repeat themselves.
Most interesting part of this digit is that the life span of 4 yugas as per Mythology is ,
For Satya-yuga is 1,440,000 human years (Sum of these digits is 9)
Treta-yuga is 1,080,000 human years (Sum of these digits is 9)
Dvapara – yuga is 720,000 human years (Sum of these digits is 9 )
Kali -yuga is 360,000 human years Sum of digits is 9 .
Isn’t it interesting and observational that how come a single digit number used in our daily life can have huge impact on our lives about which we don’t have any idea.
It is just unbelievable that a single digit number can have such a great power that a mother can hold its baby for 9 months , we pray Goddess in 9 forms for 9 days , a life constitute 9 elements and so on .
Apart from digit 9 or number 9 there several other numbers which has their own significance which are still not identified.
[Sakshi kumari , a law student from Centre For Juridical Studies, Dibrugarh university]
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