The essence of man, “the mind“, which controls him!
So, in the journey of man’s search for himself and his attempt to form his identity.
All that is instilled in the mind of the individual from illusions, ideas, and information about himself and the other.
And what individuals are created on in terms of lifestyle, constitutions, laws, data and life circumstances. Help program the behavior of individuals.
Either they are at a high level of maturity and awareness capable of creating the gardens of Eden, and civilized human societies, respectable, wise, balanced, peaceful. Or create “tools of terror”.
Ready to promote hell, spreading terror, fear, destruction and chaos at any moment.
Frightening what individuals have been programmed on over many decades.
Frightening the huge number of monsters ready to destroy themselves and destroy everything and those who stand in their way.
You find a lot of people today. Without humanity, no empathy, no values and no morals. No ability to listen, dialogue, understand, analyze and discriminate.
They are just “tools of self-destruction and community.”
It was possible to create better human societies, individuals with more balanced mental and psychological power. Instead of drowning them in the mud of ignorance, backwardness, unemployment, poverty, and ossification.
Even in the law of the jungle what happens today does not happen in the law of man.
Ruba Ayyash is a Master in Journalism and a Multimedia Jpurnalist.(Ruba is from Abu Dhabi Emirate, United Arab Emirates) is an Online Magazine with collection of premium Assamese and English articles and posts with cultural base and modern thinking. You can send your articles to / Assamese article, Unicode font is necessary) Images from different sources.