The individual’s self-evaluation, Are they sourced from the society or the self?
Ruba Ayyash
Society’s appreciation and evaluation of human beings, is it considered a need, necessity, and a fair measure?
Modern man is often desperate to obtain his self-evaluation and psychological merit from the outside, always in need of society’s acceptance and applause for him in order to feel his greatness and the euphoria of his victory.
Society raises generations that are subject to its judgments and evaluations, and are programmed to look outside themselves all the time, and those who claim to break these restrictions and escape from their curse are few.
And those who really work to distance themselves from this unfair quagmire, in my personal opinion, are also few.
Everyone is governed by a ruthless system whose standards of success, greatness, importance and merit have been distorted with time. A society that often cares about peels more than substance, and fears power more than it respects it. It often fears fake greats for fragile and superficial considerations more than its glorification of the essence of truth.
Today, even in the current era, an individual’s evaluation is linked to the “Like” button and to some comments that can raise or break a person’s status.
Therefore, individuals must begin to carefully rethink their personal evaluation, because giving yourself an evaluation from the outside makes them always hostage to the mood of the public, those who raise you up and bring you down according to their whims and interests and the extent of their ability to be hypocritical in many cases.
History also testifies to the standing of societies against many thinkers, scientists and philosophers, “that is, the true essence of the mind and human creativity.”
In many examples, the limit went to kill them and tarnish their image and reputation, because of their new revolutionary ideas that were the reason for the advancement of societies later and the reason for improving the quality of life of mankind. Therefore, public acceptance of a person is not a fair measure, or a true source of individual evaluation.
This leads us to isolating the self as much as possible from society and not subjecting it to people’s standards, whether in your form, profession, ideas or way of life, in addition to knowing the value of the soul, the importance and greatness of the spirit and mind and the depth of the individual’s thought alone from within himself and granting his self-evaluation from himself makes a person always In greater psychological peace and better mental balance, you will not be harmed if people applaud or slander you.
You are the only one who can know the truth or falsity of your journey in life, the extent of your development, awareness and awareness, and the extent to which you deserve any of what you get.
And this leads to one last real question, if you were stripped of everything, of all of the programming and standards that society has set, your job, your career, your looks, your money, your education and your certifications, would you still really believe that you were still worthy of love and happiness and that you were worthy of recognition?
Will you feel appreciated about yourself and that your soul is truly great?
[Images from the different sources]
(Writer Ruba Ayyash is a famous Multimedia Journalist at Sky News Arabia, news reporter, writer and producer in Palestine. She worked extensively in several areas of news media including television, radio and web. She graduated from the Jordanian Media Institute in 2015 with a Master’s Degree in Journalism and Digital Media. This is her second article for Mahabahu.) is an Online Magazine with collection of premium Assamese and English articles and posts with cultural base and modern thinking. You can send your articles to / ( For Assamese article, Unicode font is necessary)