The Never-Ending Cycle of Patriarchy!
A leading cause of violence against women
Pooja Ambastha

“Patriarchy” which simply means dominance of men over women, the power men have in every aspect of life be it in politics, economics, social and cultural norms.
Patriarchy may culminate in gender stereotypes which means inducing harmful gender roles and expectations; objectification of women (treating them as objects to satisfy male fulfillment); encouraging a sense of ownership and control by men over women; stigmatization of women who raise their voice against abuse.

All these factors play a vital part in creating an environment or we can say culture which supports the perpetrators of sexual abuse, justifies, or even encourages violence against women.
India, a democratic nation, prides itself on providing equal rights to all its citizens regardless of gender. This commitment to equality is enshrined in the Indian Constitution and supported by numerous laws and policies aimed at ensuring that everyone has the same opportunities and protections.
Despite these formal guarantees, India remains one of the leading countries where women face significant inequality due to their gender, a reality highlighted by a survey conducted by UNICEF.
The disparity manifests itself in virtually every aspect of life, both professional and personal. Women in India often encounter various forms of discrimination and bias that impede their progress and affect their well-being. In the professional sphere, women are frequently underrepresented in leadership positions, paid less than their male counterparts for the same work, and subjected to workplace harassment.
In personal contexts, traditional gender roles and societal expectations often limit women’s choices and freedoms, making it challenging for them to pursue their ambitions and live autonomously.
This pervasive inequality is a shared experience among women across the country, transcending the urban-rural divide. Whether a girl grows up in a bustling metropolitan city or a remote village, she is likely to face the consequences of a deeply entrenched patriarchal system.
These experiences are often strikingly similar, with many women encountering barriers to education, healthcare, and employment, as well as enduring societal pressures that dictate their behavior and life choices.
Almost every girl in India, regardless of her background, has grappled with the limitations imposed by patriarchy. This shared struggle highlights the urgent need for continued efforts to address gender inequality and foster an environment where all individuals, irrespective of gender, can thrive equally.

If men were subjected to even half of the constraints placed on women, society could be a more accepting place for women. Why it is always expected for a woman to behave in a certain way, dress in a certain way to avoid “unwanted attention”, speak in a soft tune and not men to treat women as humans, treat them with respect and know certain boundaries which should not and never be crossed.

It is the duty of every parent to teach their sons how to respect women. All these can begin when the males of the family start to treat their women as equals and not merely like an object or something that can be owned or controlled.

The continuous rise in sexual violence cases including the monstrosity of the Kolkata rape case which we are all familiar with, has furthered led us to think about the mentality of certain men of our country who sees a woman nothing but as a sex object and why such crimes occur or why we are not able to stop these crimes no matter what laws are introduced for women safety?

Is it because of the deep-rooted patriarchy system in our country which seems to be a never-ending cycle?
There are so many “whys” but a few definite answers.

Pooja Ambastha, Department of Communication and Journalism, Gauhati University
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