To be beautiful, you don’t have to be fair
If someone doesn’t know, make this clear.
You are beautiful, just the way you are
Even the moon’s face has a scar.
Trust yourself; know what you are meant to be
Because no one else can play your role better, you see.
You are a beauty and you do not need recognition
You are the perfect lady of one’s imagination.
Do not lose yourself trying to please others
You aren’t a tree to regain a new leaf every time it weathers.
Mark your existence, make it count
If you decide, you can easily climb any mount.
If being a woman makes you feel low
Without you, no man could exist, this you should know!
Amisha Mayani is an Educator, and from Pune, Maharashtra. is an Online Magazine with collection of premium Assamese and English articles and posts with cultural base and modern thinking. You can send your articles to / Assamese article, Unicode font is necessary) Images from different sources.