UKRAINE: Circular trampling

There can’t be too many Putin – the current setting, according to which the dictator’s communication team works.
He’s just on a roll, as if his fried cock pecked in one place.
The reason for the feverish communication with the masses is the failure of the planned model of discourse management. The Kremlin is losing control over the modeling of Russian sentiment. If decades before there was a clear algorithm for brainwashing, now it is broken.
The war against Ukraine unleashed by the Putin team is turning into a mass grave for it.
Insurmountable contradictions are growing between the dictator and his henchmen. One wing cannot accept the loss of initiative on the battlefield and the course to wind down a failed war.
For them, responsibility for drawing the country into a catastrophic mess looms.
But they urge to keep beating their heads against the palisade of Ukrainian defense in order to save their skins.
Another group, to which Kiriyenko and the top managers of Rosatom belong, by the way, points to the unsuitability of a war of attrition and the need to find channels of communication with the West. They are double-dealers, solvers, and therefore money issues make them think about the perniciousness of investing in Putin’s long “settlement” of the Ukrainian issue.
Atomists are especially worried when Putin is slipped theses about the nuclear superiority of the Russian Federation.
Many unpleasant moments can come up here about holes in the remnants of the nuclear shield of the former Soviet Union, because corruption in the industry is multibillion-dollar.
And “SVO”, washing out huge funds, may well additionally destroy financial flows going to a number of foreign objects.

Somewhere between these forces, Putin maneuvers, who still wants to sell “achievements” in building an empire at the minimum wage. The Sea of Azov is an inland lake in Russia, boasting of “Genghis Khan of the 21st century”.
But somehow there is no confidence in the long-term nature of this conquest, given the latest reports from the Melitopol region.
Each phrase of the broken record sounds like excuses, as if the tribunal is already underway.
“The war was not started by us”, “We were left no other chances to resolve the Donbass issue”, “Northern Military District goes on as usual, everything is stable, we have no questions or problems there”… This is not the babble of a statesman, but a spat upon loser. He, like an organ, reproduces the program embedded in him, but no one is interested in listening to rotten stuff from a chaff head.
People are interested in specifics, and not in vague uncertainty and scoffing, like “If it seems, you need to be baptized.”
In the spring, Moscow was hung with posters “Z – end the war,” and now the president himself has no idea when Russia will be able to exhale.
How then to trust Putin, who resembles a bald charlatan?
The intensification of Putin’s communication with the public has important reasons.
There are 15 months left before the 2024 elections, i.е. Russia is entering an electoral cycle. In fact, the selection of people for Putin’s campaign headquarters 5.0 has begun.
The process takes place against the backdrop of the complete withering away of the activity of the parquet opposition and the glut of propaganda channels with turbo-patriotic hack work.
On the mountains of special operations corpses and informational manure, new guides are building up their political ambitions.
A few months ago, the layman had no idea about the influence of Prigozhin on the domestic and international life of the country.
Now the bald man in the cap (remember Ulyanov/Lenin) openly declares his Napoleonic plans to jump from guardsmen to “tsars”.
A fresh stream against the backdrop of a reusable president and a bald Zekov hari is brought in by “army baron” Viktor Bout.
He was just recently exchanged for an American basketball player and is already being molded from a death dealer into a hero of our time, a martyr for Russia.
Under Bout, they even want to create a political party. The patriotic project will revolve around the theme of resilience and a positive perception of the war with the West.
There are suspicions that Putin wants to use Bout, as Yeltsin used to play and hang out with marked cards.
[Writer Irina Mirochnik is the President at IMMER Group & Doctor of Philosophy in Law(PhD)] is an Online Magazine with collection of premium Assamese and English articles and posts with cultural base and modern thinking. You can send your articles to / ( For Assamese article, Unicode font is necessary)