Oleksandra Karpenko
Your insignificant health is the dream of every Ukrainian or wounded on the battlefield.
Your smile on your face is the dream of every oppressed, humiliated, captured or unjustly convicted Ukrainian.
Your calmness and confidence is the dream of everyone concerned about the problems of war.
Your peaceful sleep is the dream of every Ukrainian who falls asleep at train stations, in the subway, in basements and bomb shelters.
Your affordable food is the dream of every starving Ukrainian in the occupied territories.
Your warm bed is the dream of every Ukrainian soldier falling asleep in the trenches, in Mariupol, Severodonetsk, Kharkov and so on…
Your difficult job is the dream of every unemployed Ukrainian who has lost everything, forced to start his life over from the beginning.
Your naughty child is the dream of every Ukrainian who lost his child in the war!
Your small house or an ordinary room is the dream of every Ukrainian who fled the war!
Your small capital is the dream of every Ukrainian refugee!
Your life is a gift to be treasured and cherished!
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