The fact is that all the former Soviet republics today associate themselves with #Ukraine.
Because they perfectly understand that one of them will definitely be next.
It’s just Ukraine’s turn today.
In Soviet times, all of them first experienced the Red Terror, then genocides by famine, then mass repressions, then deportations, and a systematic, consistent policy of denationalization was a red thread through this mass destruction of foreign peoples by Moscow.
When an identical culture was washed out of the occupied countries, national roots were torn out, they were forcibly Russified – they forged a Soviet man.
Everyone remembers this. From #Belarusians to #Kazakhs.
The Kremlin has not repented or even apologized for any such crime against humanity.
Not a single Kremlin executioner was convicted either during his lifetime or after death.
Many of them in Russia today are heroes, effective managers, great politicians.
For the Kremlin, these are all “problems of a far-fetched nature,” as Putin once put it about the #Holodomor in Ukraine.
Both #Tokaev, for example, and the #Kazakh people remember perfectly well this still unhealed wound, when the policy of collectivization, the Bolsheviks, according to the most conservative estimate for 2 years (1931-1933), physically exterminated more than 2 million Kazakhs.

The shock has passed. The peoples are beginning to free themselves, primarily mentally, from Soviet captivity. And they begin to remember their history. And they begin to ask questions, and soon they will begin to demand satisfaction.
Imperial #Russia must answer for everything.
That doesn’t happen. To cut off the heads of millions of innocent people with impunity and to get nothing for it.
It just doesn’t happen that way. Vaughn, Hitler won’t let you lie
#people #culture #war #genocide
20-06-2022 [Writer Irina Mirochnik is the President at IMMER Group & Doctor of Philosophy in Law(PhD)] is an Online Magazine with collection of premium Assamese and English articles and posts with cultural base and modern thinking. You can send your articles to / ( For Assamese article, Unicode font is necessary)