USA has invested in terrorism in the Middle East, created al-Qaeda, ISIS and the Taliban to destroy the Middle East!
“It’s more than the idea of whether you support the regime or the opposition. The idea is that all the Hollywood scenarios in the Middle East are not made by the people of the region; neither the script is written by them nor the direction is born of their vision.”
They say “too many cooks burn the cook”, and this applies to countries as well. Too many players burned the Middle East.
It’s like a Hollywood movie, the story began in Gaza, and the conflict escalated and became a plan to redivide the region by American, Israeli, Turkish, Russian and Arab hands, using tools classified as terrorist.
It is important to break the chains and liberate the peoples for themselves. This is a human rights principle, but on your way to liberation, beware of falling into a new, darker hell. This is what worries many today in the current scene.
What happened recently was a fatal blow to the axis of Iran. The Iranian octopus had its arms cut off in the region primarily by Israeli-American hands. But did this happen in exchange for the liberation of man? Did this happen for the right reasons, and does HTS understand the meaning of freedom, democracy, humanity, pluralism and respect for differences?
We live in a world order whose foundations were built and structured after World War II. In other words, the Middle East in particular suffers from the consequences of the consequences of this war and suffers because of the struggle of the victorious countries at the time, whose struggle continues to this day over the division of the spoils between them.
As for the people of the Middle East, they are mere victims, they are the party that pays the price for the hawkish conflicts, not the ones who write history.
The Middle East region has historically not taken its opportunity to determine its destiny and live its own experience in finding its own national project, and to test its own experience in shaping its states, policies, constitutions, ideas, citizenship, freedoms and economy, as it sees fit. There have always been external parties with their national economic, political, intellectual projects, ideologies and goals imposing themselves on the region.
What the region is experiencing today is not the result of the moment, but is the result and summary of what happened in the past decades, in the sense that colonialism divided the people of the Middle East on religious, ethnic and sectarian considerations and differences and was keen to create continuous crises among them. One of their differences is a conflict of interests between them. Contribute to the creation of the composition of fragile internal societies, conflicting around the clock, that agree only on their destruction.
By promoting such thought and culture, external actors were later able to abuse the people of the region with their moral and intellectual structure, and then it was easy to eliminate them and return them to stone ages within days.
The fragility of internal solidarity, the absence of the concept of national belonging, the public interest, and respect for the other, the absence of a clear definition of the state, freedoms, humanity and common values, the absence of a silent agreement among them on ethics, and the rampant corruption in these countries for many decades, have plunged the people of the Middle East into a permanent hell.
The United States, with its ‘Friend’ countries, has invested in terrorism in the Middle East, created al-Qaeda, ISIS and the Taliban to destroy the nations; it was Washington that created al-Qaeda with the support of the Pakistani intelligence to fight the communists to overthrow the Soviets, with the confessions of its officials, led by Hillary Clinton. Washington itself created ISIS and destroyed Iraq and Syria.
In his remarks, Trump says Obama and the Democratic Party are responsible for the creation of ISIS. The targets are still many, and their plans are complex and large, while the people of the region applaud.
RUBA AYYASH: Multimedia Journalist @ Sky News Arabia ; Master’s in Journalism, Abu Dhabi Emirate, United Arab Emirates is an Online Magazine with collection of premium Assamese and English articles and posts with cultural base and modern thinking. You can send your articles to / Assamese article, Unicode font is necessary) Images from different sources.