Ukraine – population as of 01.01.2022 – ▼41 902 416 citizens
Ukrainian citizens, whom some leaders now, under the pretext of sitting at the negotiating table, are proposed to be enslaved by the barbaric criminal Russia !!
Donetsk region ▼4 131 808
Lugansk region ▼2 135 913
Zaporizka region ▼1 687 401
Kherson region ▼1 027 913
AR Crimea ▲1 912 622
Total ▼10,895,637 Ukrainians – 26 % of the total population of Ukraine
Do you think that in the center of Europe it is normal to hear the rhetoric of the leaders of countries who offer the President of an independent state to sell Ukrainian citizens into slavery for the sake of “calmness” and “low prices” in Western Europe?
Let’s call everything by our own words!
Not up to subtleties and diplomacy now?
Do you know what is happening in the LNR/DNR?
bandit terror of the population all 8 years of occupation
prisons, torture…
and now – people are forcibly grabbed by aryato on the street and sent like a human shield – to the first line of hostilities
behind the backs are detachments that track in the back, with any attempt to either send or leave!

I understand that later PR managers will make sure that everyone quickly forgets about such an offer
But I also understand that is not 1937, not 1972, not even 2000 .
And information / you can’t hide:
How not to hide underground agreements and vile deeds..
16-06-2022 [ Writer Irina Mirochnik is the President at IMMER Group & Doctor of Philosophy in Law(PhD)] is an Online Magazine with collection of premium Assamese and English articles and posts with cultural base and modern thinking. You can send your articles to / ( For Assamese article, Unicode font is necessary)