Sukanya Singh
“We all need to feel that we are contributing value to the lives of others.” – Dan Brule
Yes! You got it right. God has created us all. Our creator is one and hence, we all are equal. The only difference which we get are some beautiful distinctive elements such as – variety of skin colours, diversified culture, vibrant traditions and a hell lot of wonderful ideologies. Everyone in this world has the right to be valued and it is important for them to value others as well. Every individual is unique in their own way. Every individual has a different opinion, different choice, and different way of thinking, living, clothing, eating, dealing and what not??? Do you agree? If you agree then question yourself why do people still undervalue each other?
”The essence of the beautiful is unity in variety” – W.SOMERSET MAUGHAM
Now a days, in this busy world, people hardly get time to talk to each other. They hardly get time to spend with their families, friends and loved ones. In the process, they finally become someone who interacts with the machines more than human beings. They have forgotten some of the ethics to survival and some of them are ‘respecting one another, caring one another, and valuing one another’. Individuals are getting materialistic day by day. They are after money more than their health. Educated enough but people are literally losing the practice of giving importance to people around.
Never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life…
We could see people delivering slangs to one another, back-stabbing, being jealous on someone’s success and so on. But, why this has become so prevalent in our society? Why it is seen that people are valued more if they have good amount of bank balance, expensive cars, big villas, and high degree certificates? Why it is seen that people value one another only when they are ‘in need’? This is because they are forgetting that each one is contributing something or the other in some way to the society for its betterment or development. Every single effort has a big value and that people should understand better. People are really growing selfish!!!
”Rich people are poor people with money”
– George Orwell
What do you think valuing someone does to you? It simply helps you to grow from within. It helps you to understand one another better. It helps you to erase misunderstandings. It helps you to grow mentally stronger. It helps you to be positive about everyone around and stop engaging yourself into activities that might bring you and your society a bad name. Giving importance to others help you to mould your thoughts in a positive direction. It helps you to solve the issues much faster and in a clear way. You do not need to do something huge to show that you value someone. The happiness of valuing someone lies in small things as well and these are the very basics of learning the process. Let us take a very familiar example –
Do you remember the ‘Jadoo ki Jhappi’ from the movie ‘Munna Bhai MBBS’? What did Munna Bhai do to that old man when he was cleaning the floor? What was the reaction of that old man? Was he happy? …..Yes, he was very very happy. He cried out of joy. I did not get a proper scenario other than this to make you understand better that how small and kind gesture of someone can put a huge impact on an individual’s life.
”Sometimes value isn’t always price.”
– Renee Coon
So activate this chain and try to spread it to all the four directions and with very great intensity, so that each one of us become a better person than before, and could take our society, our Nation forward with a graph of positive growth. I would definitely try my best to make this chain multi-directional. Will you?
”The best way to cheer yourself is to try to cheer someone else up”
– Mark Twain