Karl Marx. «Secret diplomatic history of the eighteenth century.»

Karl Marx. «Secret diplomatic history of the eighteenth century.»
Why was this work of Karl Marx not published in the USSR and not mentioned in Russia?
Why was Karl Marx not published in the USSR and in Russia?
… no, not entirely. One book was not published. Didn’t publish. They didn’t translate. Didn’t mention. One, but significant. The one in which Marx analyzed the history of Russia.
“Chud and Chud all around,” he wrote. – Russia is Muscovy, which arose after the collapse of the Golden Horde. He wrote that the cradle of Muscovy is “the bloody swamp of Mongol slavery, and not the harsh glory of the Norman era.”
He wrote that the policy of Russia continued the policy of the Horde, and not the policy of Rus’.
That Muscovy (future Russia) was not the legal successor of Rus’, but the Golden Horde. Simply put, he discovered the lies of imperial historians, about which he wrote.
This book is called Secret Diplomacy of the 18th Century. Marx Karl. Secret diplomatic history of eigtheen century. London, 1899. Excerpt in Russian and link to full text with translation. But let’s talk about everything in order.
Rus’ – as a state with a center in Kyiv – was created by the tribes of the glades. Polyany have long lived on the right bank of the middle reaches of the Dnieper. And the Kievan land (land of glades) long before the creation of the state was called Rus. Polyansky cities: Kyiv, Chernihiv, Pereyaslav. Over time, the glades united with other Slavic tribes.
Glades, Drevlyans, Northerners, Dregovichi, Radimichi, Vyatichi, Krivichi, Ilmen Slovenes. Having united, assimilated, these eight tribal unions became the basis of Rus’. This common nationality was later called Rusyns. Russ or Ruthenians were the basis of Rus’, with the center in Kyiv.
As they would now say, it was the titular nationality of Rus’.

Rus’, with its center in Kyiv, was a kind of imperial state. There was a center (Kyiv and Kiev region) and there were colonies that paid tribute to the Rusyns. Among those who paid tribute were both Lithuanian and Finno-Ugric tribes.
From the annals of Nestor: “And here are the iniia yazitsi, who give tribute to Rus’: chyud, merya, all, muroma, cherems, Mordovians, Perm, Pechera, Yam, Lithuania, Zimigola, Kors, Noroma, Lib: these are your own language of possessions, from the tribe of Afetov, who live in the midnight countries “
All the conquered lands were also considered Rus. But the population of these colonies was not ethnically Rusyns. And they themselves did not consider themselves Rusyns. They were “Russian people” only in the sense that they paid tribute to Rus’. Well, there was one faith (the common church) became after Rus’ conquered these tribes. There was a cultural influence, yes.
For a long time, only the Kiev region was considered Rus in the narrow sense. Then Chernihiv and Pereyaslavshchina ethnically became Rus. And much later (at the end of the XII century), the inhabitants of Galicia and Volhynia became Rusyns. Then Rus began to be called the Galicia-Volyn principality. There were no more Rusyns anywhere. And there was no other Rus’ anymore.
The Finno-Ugrians, who paid tribute to Rus’, lived between the Volga and the Oka and in the Urals. In Rus’, these territories were called Zalesye. This is the central part of modern Russia. Zalesye was annexed to Rus’ somewhere in the X-XI century. At that time, Rus’ had already existed for a century or two. And the Rusyns formed as an ethnic group.
There is no exact data on the conquest of Zalesye. It is only known that it was not immediately conquered, but when Rus’ got stronger. When the “conqueror” appeared.
At the end of the 11th century, a separate principality was formed in Zalesye: Rostov-Suzdal. It had two centers: Rostov and Suzdal. In the XII century, another center appeared: Vladimir. It is this land that in the literature of the 19th century is called Rostov-Suzdal or Vladimir-Suzdal Rus.
But there is not and was not in the annals of many Russ: Kyiv, Northern or Seroburo-raspberry. Especially Rostov-Suzdal or Vladimir-Suzdal Rus. This is what the historians of the Russian Empire in the 19th century came up with. “Kievan Rus” is the same artificial name as “Russia”. Rus’ was only one. And so it was called “Rus”. It’s that simple.
In the 10th century, the Rostov-Suzdal land was mainly inhabited by Finnish tribes. On these lands, the ethnos of the modern Russian people began to form.
Like any metropolis, Kyiv influenced the conquered peoples. Slavic settlers in Zalesye, of course, mixed with the Finnish tribes.
And, of course, the Finno-Ugric peoples and other tribes became Russified over time.
And they adopted the language, and the Orthodox faith. But until now, the Russian hinterland keeps the history of the Finno-Ugric peoples, and not the Slavs. Here about they wrote about it, and here, and here, and here.
Russian folk costume has nothing to do with Slavic clothing. Muscovite folklore is also atypical for the Slavs. The inventions of the “most Slavic” first and main Russian people are simply ridiculous.
Cities in the Finno-Ugric lands were sometimes called in the Russian manner. Nevertheless, the rivers and most of the settlements still retain Finnish names. For example, a bunch of rivers and a tributary has a Finnish ending (-va, which means “water”).
Zalesye, one might say, was in the backyards of Rus’. The peoples inhabiting it, because of the difficult living conditions, were poor. There were almost no trade routes. Surrounded by forests and swamps.
Therefore, the Kyiv princes did not consider these lands a “tidbit”. For a long time, almost no attention was paid to them. Rusyns from their rich and warm lands did not pour into Zalesye in droves. There were few Rusyn settlers.
In general, Rus’ never moved en masse to Muscovy. And Muscovy was not originally Ruska, and the Muscovites were not Rusyns. The Muscovite ethnos was formed somewhere in the second half of the 12th century.
Rusyns as an ethnic group with a separate state and name have existed since the 10th century. That is, modern Russians are the youngest East Slavic ethnic group. Not older, but younger. Not a brother, but a neighbor.
The Finno-Ugric peoples (chud) themselves did not call themselves Rus. They opposed themselves in their annals to Rus’. What colony would not oppose itself to a metropolis alien to it?
This opposition is clearly visible in the Laurentian Chronicle and the Ipateev Chronicle. And they describe the events of the XII-XIII centuries. That is, even in the XII century and at the beginning of the XIII century Novgorod-Suzdal land was not considered Rus. Neither the Rostov-Suzdal land, nor Ryazan, nor the Smolensk region, nor the Vladimir land.
Rus was only the land of the glades, that is, the metropolis in the Kyiv lands.
And yes, Kyiv is the mother of Russian cities; mother of Rus’ – the land of the Polyana. And other cities of expanding Rus’, which the future Muscovy never belonged to.
The Russians, on the other hand, consider … attention: that their first state (Rus) appeared somewhere 400 years earlier than they themselves. …and that it was precisely their state. As it happened, I will write below. So far, two words about the Tatars.
At the beginning of the 13th century, due to internecine wars, Rus’ weakened and fell under the onslaught of the Tatars. The Tatars conquered Rus’, and Poland, and Hungary, and the northern Balkans. Returning from a victorious campaign, the Tatars created their own state.
So the state of the Golden Horde appeared, on the lower Volga. The lands of Rus’ did not enter the Golden Horde as part of the state, but became its vassals. Now Rus’ itself was forced to pay tribute.
The collapse of Rus’ further separated the lands of Rus’ and Zalesye from each other. And culturally, and ethnically, and politically.
Where did Muscovy come from? The Finno-Ugric peoples were first under Russia, then under the Tatar Horde. Partly under the influence of Rus’, they became Russified, and under the influence of the Horde, they became Tatars. Moreover, they otatarivalis very strongly.
But Russian historians deliberately exaggerate the influence of Rus’. And the influence of the Horde is deliberately downplayed. It comes to the ridiculous: they practically deny the influence of the Horde on Muscovy.
And this despite the fact that Muscovite lands were under the Golden Horde for almost 300 years.
What are these 300 years to us? Haha! We didn’t even notice! So. Only after the collapse of the Golden Horde, were formed:
Kazan Khanate
Kasymov Khanate
Crimean Khanate
Astrakhan Khanate
Siberian Khanate
Moscow as a small settlement with this Finnish name is mentioned in surviving writings only from the middle of the 12th century. In the 16th century, this name spread to the entire Moscow principality.
A common thing for those times: the city of Rome gave the name of the Roman Empire, Moscow – Moscow. Actually, then the Moscow principality itself appeared on the international arena.
Only in the 16th century. This is the beginning of Russian statehood.
Most of the peoples of Europe, as Yevgeny Nakonechny writes, begin their history with the emergence of their independent states in the 9th-10th centuries.
The Russians are probably the only ones who believe that their first state (Rus) appeared somewhere 400 years earlier than they themselves.
But it was different: at first, the Muscovite ethnos appeared in the second half of the 12th century. Then, in the 15th century, the Muscovite state appeared, and in the 16th century it seemed to its neighbors.
What Marx wrote about: “Amazed Europe, at the beginning of the reign of Ivan III, barely noticing the existence of Muscovy, squeezed between Lithuania and the Tatars, was stunned by the sudden appearance of a huge state on its eastern borders” (c)
So, Moscow, Muscovy, Muscovy. It was ruled by a prince, and the first Moscow tsar appeared in the 17th century. That is, at first the Tatar Khan was replaced by the prince, and later the prince was replaced by the king.
The center was moved to Moscow. But. The nobility under the Moscow prince remained almost in its entirety Tatar. The lands of Muscovy were conquered by the Horde. And the policy of Muscovy was a continuation of the policy of the Horde.
What, in fact, wrote Karl Marx. And Marx, and Gumilyov, and Platonov. Many have actually written. Then Catherine II simply rewrote history (more precisely: she continued this work). And those historians who wrote the truth had a very sad fate.
The Moscow principality was the successor of the Vladimir-Suzdal principality. Which itself was part of the Golden Horde for almost 300 years. If Muscovy was anyone’s successor, then the successor of the Golden Horde. Muscovy was not and could not be the successor of Rus’. What is Rus’? Which side?
Trubetskoy: “The Muscovite state arose thanks to the Tatar yoke. The Muscovite tsars, far from having finished the “gathering of the Russian land”, began to collect the lands of the western ulus of the Great Mongol Monarchy: Moscow became a powerful state only after the conquest of Kazan, Astrakhan and Siberia. The Russian Tsar was the heir of the Mongol Khan. “The overthrow of the Tatar yoke” was reduced to the replacement of the Tatar khan by an Orthodox tsar and the transfer of the khan’s headquarters to Moscow”
That’s it. On the one hand, Muscovy collected the Horde lands, and on the other, the lands of Rus’. Still collecting. Muscovy declared itself the successor of both Rus’ and the Golden Horde. She rolled out the royal lip for half the world, still cannot pick it up.
Until 1721, only the name “Moscow” or “Moscow State” was officially used. Until that time, there was officially no Russia, allegedly the successor of Rus’. Because until that time, the Muscovites had not yet managed to steal either the name or the history of Rus’.
Then they deliberately changed the name of the Muscovite state. In 1721, the Moscow kingdom seized the lands of Rus’, the name of Rus’ and the history of Rus’. They did a rebranding, as they say: they stole the name Rus and turned it into Russia.
This name is not popular. It’s artificial.
But it was from this that the myth-making of Great Russia or Great Russia began. Not even 100 years have passed since Russia-Muscovy began to be called true Russia. Muscovites began to be called Russians or Great Russians.
Rusyns-Ukrainians suddenly became “Little Russians”.
The lie was repeated so many times that it began to seem true. But it didn’t become true. At the same time, the conquest of Rus’ by Muscovy was no longer recognized. What conquest? One land, one people.
No. The maximum is to unite, bringing together. Good deed, right? A lie that has a beginning but no end. Meanness, similar to which in history and hard to find.
When Muscovy changed its name, the Rusyns changed the name of their land. In order not to identify Rus’ and Muscovy, Rus’ began to be more often called Ukraine.
And they began to call themselves more often not Rusyns, but Ukrainians. Because different nations should be called differently. Now the Rusyns-Ukrainians are strenuously told that they were not.
That the people did not have a name, so there was no people. That there were no people, because it had no name. That there were no Rusyn-Ukrainians of their own state. All these blah blah blah about a single people and brotherhood – all from there. From lies for the benefit of the empire.
Invented only in the 20th century. Only in the 30s of the XX century. That is, this concept is only about 70 years old. The elder brother is like Russians to Ukrainians, Russia to Ukraine. And to all the other peoples of the USSR, Russia is also an older brother. Stalin is the father, and Russia is the elder brother.
Three “Slavic peoples” were declared equal, but Russians were ALWAYS written first. The Russian people were first among equals. Some, as you know, are always more equal than others. Although no. Does nationality matter? In no case. Therefore, the 5th column in the USSR was required to be filled in (nationality).
Therefore, the peoples of the USSR were deported, based on the entry in this column.
Therefore, now Russia justifies its aggression in Ukraine by “protecting the Russians.” The myth about the primacy and seniority of Russians is still being promoted. How else to renew the Russian Empire or something like the USSR headed by Russia? On what basis did they decide to seize Ukrainian lands otherwise?
The ancestors of the Ukrainian people are the tribes that lived on the territory of modern Ukraine (Volynians, Derevlyans, Polans, White Croats, Ulichs, Tivertsy and Siveryans) and did not move anywhere. In the 10th century, the Rusyns had already formed as a separate ethnic group.
The tribes occupying the territory of modern Belarus (Dregovichi, Krivichi, Radimichi mixed with the Balts, who settled on this territory before them) became the ancestors of the Belarusian people.
The Ilmen Slovenes formed a separate Pskov-Novgorod ethnic group, which was practically destroyed only in the 15th-16th centuries (the genocide of Muscovy), and the remaining surviving part assimilated with Moscow.
On the lands of Zalesye, Slavic settlers moved Finnish tribes and formed the youngest East Slavic ethnic group – Muscovites, future Russians. It was somewhere in the second half of the XII century.
It was then that the “Great Russians” appeared on the historical stage.
The first of them was Andrei Bogolyubsky. He became famous for destroying Kyiv in 1169. Burned, killed, robbed, captured. They don’t destroy their cities like that. Only strangers. It was not something like a “civil war” between the Rusyns. Rus’ and Kyiv were alien to the prince from Zalesye and his army.
By the way, the Russian “Orthodox Church” recently recognized him as a saint. The facts of liar historians who justify great power are not embarrassing.
For this purpose, lying is the very first means.
Lomonosov, Miller, Solovyov, Klyuchevsky, Pokrovsky and a bunch of other scientists wrote that the basis of the people of Muscovy is the Finno-Ugric tribes (chud).
Some of them said that in Russians 1/5 of Slavic blood. And all this would not matter if the Russians themselves did not want to be the first and main Slavic people.
In addition.
Muscovy (Russia) paid tribute to the Crimean Khan, its sovereign and master, the successor of the Golden Horde, until 1700. The Tsar of Muscovy met the Crimean ambassador on Poklonnaya Gora, mounted him on his horse, on foot, by the bridle, led the horse with the Crimean ambassador to the Kremlin, seated him on his throne and knelt before him…
1. Tsar Peter I renamed the state with the name Muscovy into Russia in the 18th century, in 1721.
2. The Moksha tribe named their river Moscow, and the translation of this name, from the language of Moksha, sounds like “dirty water”. Any other languages of the World cannot translate the word Moscow. The word “kremlin” is Tatar and means fortifications on a hill.
Z. In the Middle Ages, all European cartographers wrote and drew the border of Europe along the borders of Rus’ (Rus is the territory of present-day Ukraine). Muscovy – an ulus, with its Finnish peoples, has always been a component of the Horde, and Europe rightly attributed it to Asia.
4. Muscovy (Russia) paid tribute to the Crimean Khan (!), its SOVEREIGN and OWNER, who was the legal successor of the Golden Horde, until 1700. The Tsar of Muscovy met the Crimean ambassador on Poklonnaya Gora, mounted him on his horse, on foot, by the bridle, led the horse with the Crimean ambassador to the Kremlin, sat him on his throne and knelt before him (!?).
5. In 1610, in Muscovy, on Boris Godunov (Murza Gudun), the Chengizid dynasty (a relative of Genghis Khan) ended, and Alexei Koshka from the Finnish family of Kobyly was elevated to the throne, and when he was crowned in the Kingdom, the church gave him the surname Romanov, who allegedly came from Rome to rule Muscovy.
6. Catherine II, after the occupation of the last free Russian State – the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (including the territory of Belarus) in 1795, by her order ordered to call the Finno-Ugric tribes of Muscovy some kind of Great Russians, and Ukrainians – true Russians – Little Russians.
7. No one has ever seen the original agreement on reunification between Muscovy and Ukraine, allegedly signed by B. Khmelnitsky and Tsar A. Romanov.
8. For several centuries, archaeologists of Muscovy have been looking for artifacts confirming the authenticity of the Battle of Kulikovo, but so far without success, only the fable of D. Donskoy’s victory over Mamai is still being sung to this day, with all voices.
9. The Pskov, Novgorod, Smolensk regions of Russia are the former Slavic-Russian Principalities, and had nothing to do with Finno-Ugric Muscovy, until Muscovy-Horde occupied them, respectively, in 1462, 1478 and 1654. And in other areas of Muscovy, Slavic tribes and peoples never lived.
10. The Golden Horde and its daughter, Muscovy, are the only countries in the world that kept their own people as slaves. This explains the eternal backwardness of Muscovy, rich in natural resources, from European countries that are relatively deprived of natural resources. After all, the efficiency of the work of free people is much higher than that of slaves.

[Writer Irina Mirochnik is the President at IMMER Group & Doctor of Philosophy in Law(PhD)]
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